Tuesday, April 20, 2010

True Friend || Best Friend

True friend tell you the truth about everything and never keep a secret from you. 
Best friend are best when having fun and all the happy times. 
True friend will notice even a tiny change in you. 
Best friend may not even care about what change you have. 
True friend never and wont hurt your feelings. 
Best friend may hurt your feelings deep even with the simplest word. 
True friend is there through thick and thin. 
Best friend may vanish into thin air when you face hardships. 
True friend is true to themselves and true to you. 
Best friend may be true to themselves but they're not true to you. 
True friend will join you even when you're in a big mess.
Best friend will make you feel worst when you make a mess.
True friend will give you hugs and care for you.
Best friend will say they care but they actually don't even care in their heart.
True friend is just a phone call away even during the midnight.
Best friend will just doze away in their dreams.
True friend is there for you as a person.
Best friend may be there for you as in your money and your stuffs.
True friend never ask for anything in return.
Best friend may ask for rewards just for being a friend.
True friend will go to the ends of the earth to find what you need.
Best friend will search for it but give up a few seconds later.
True friend will treasure friendships and never forget them even after a few decades.
Best friend will only remember your face and forget your name.
True friend will be the first one to apologize for anything.
Best friend? Maybe not.
True friend is hard to find.
Best friend can be anyone around you.
So who's the better friend?
The ones who smile with you, laugh with you, cry with you, going crazy with you and always have your back?
Do you have a person who's all of the above?
Well, if you do, then you're a lucky person.
Remember to treasure that friendship so that you wont ever regret it.
For me, I'll keep searching until I find the ones who will accept me for who I am, not for what I have.
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