Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I need a guardian angel.
I need him by my side.
To share everything in my life.
To wipe away my tears when I cry.
To give me a shoulder to cry on.
To pour my hearts out to him.
To make me laugh like I never did.
To make me feel important and not invisible.
To make me feel cared for the first time in my almost 16 years of life.
Where are you, my guardian angel?
When will you come and sweep me off my feet?
But deep inside I know that,
There's no knight in shining armor.
There's no prince charming.
There's no 'happily ever after'.
There's no fairy godmother.
There's no magic to help you change anything you want.
There's only not-so-quite-a-damsel in huge distress.
Life is definitely not a fairytale.
It wasn't then.
It isn't now.
And it isn't going to be in any near future.
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