Saturday, March 27, 2010

Magic Power - 我是谁

Love this song...
Magic Power - 我是谁 
我是谁 你是否常常这样问自己 
我是谁 总是活在别人的期望里 
我是谁 是谁又擅自帮你定义了 
你是谁 只有不是自己才安全 

为什么 你以为这个世界很美丽 
为什么 你爱这个世界胜过爱自己 
为什么 这个世界不给你平等待遇 
为什么 到底做错了什么 

朋友都说你太 太 太奇怪 
在背后把你当成笑 笑 笑话看 

你想要的很 很 很简单 
不过就是最普通的 的 的平凡 

无论他们又说什么 闲言闲语无法伤害我 
世界上只有一个我 没人能代替的我 
无论他们又做什么 小动作无法打败我 
The most beautiful 

会不会 上帝把你的灵魂放错了身体 
会不会 是故意整你不是不小心 
会不会 你常常都觉得力不从心 
会不会 坚持要做自己太危险 

凭什么 难道比较特别就是不对 
凭什么 先下了注解在认识之前 
凭什么 只不过想认真的活一遍 
凭什么 随便就把人定罪 

朋友都说你太 太 太奇怪 
在背后把你当成笑 笑 笑话看 

你想要的很 很 很简单 
不过就是最普通的 的 的平凡 

无论他们又说什么 闲言闲语无法伤害我 
世界上只有一个我 没人能代替的我 
无论他们又做什么 小动作无法打败我 
The most beautiful 

我是谁 这个问题困扰你多少天多少夜 
我是谁 谁有资格决定你怎样才是对 
我是谁 我是谁我是谁 

Earth Hour

Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia when 2.2 million homes and businesses turned their lights off for one hour to make their stand against climate change. Only a year later and Earth Hour had become a global sustainability movement with more than 50 million people across 35 countries participating. Global landmarks such as the, Sydney Harbour Bridge, The CN Tower in Toronto, The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, and Rome’s Colosseum, all stood in darkness, as symbols of hope for a cause that grows more urgent by the hour.

In March 2009, hundreds of millions of people took part in the third Earth Hour. Over 4000 cities in 88 countries officially switched off to pledge their support for the planet, making Earth Hour 2009 the world’s largest global climate change initiative.

Earth Hour 2010 takes place on Saturday 27 March at 8.30pm (local time) and is a global call to action to every individual, every business and every community throughout the world. It is a call to stand up, to take responsibility, to get involved and lead the way towards a sustainable future. Iconic buildings and landmarks from Europe to Asia to the Americas will stand in darkness. People across the world from all walks of life will turn off their lights and join together in celebration and contemplation of the one thing we all have in common – our planet.

Handmade Plushies...!!

Made two plushies for my bro... He sketched the design and I make it... Took me a few hours to make it cause it's fully 100% handmade... No machines...

Do you want some too?
If you want, tell me...

Don't jugde a book by its cover!!!

I may look innocent or clueless but don't underestimate me... Just because I look clueless doesn't mean that I don't know how to do anything and that you can bully me... I can do many stuffs that some don't know how to do... I can kick your ass at many things... I'm not joking... I may look like a timid mouse outside... But under my skin, I'm a fierce lion that can split your head off your body! So don't make me mad... Or you'll face the consequences! RAWR!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

My Life Is......

Mum, I'm tired... I don't need you to give me more pressure... I had never been more tired than this before... Not ever... Don't put pressure on me just because you want me to be better than my brother... I'm more stupid than my brother... So don't put a high hope on me... I, myself don't put high hopes on myself... I am fragile... Too much pressure, I will break easily... Don't you know that? I don't believe that you don't understand... I cry and pour my heart to you when I'm down... But still you don't understand? What?! Am I that invisible? I'm reaching the stage where people are more emotional... Teenage years... Can't you just give me a break? I just wished that time would stop so that I can cry forever without anyone seeing it... Haiz...

Being me is hard... Living my life is hard... Can somebody help to pull me out of this place right now? ...... Guess not... Gotta live on with my life no matter what anyway... Just gotta keep moving forward until there's no more tomorrow... Sometimes I just don’t wanna know anything, don’t wanna care about anything... But I can’t... Even if I really wanted it to be... I had to think for others before myself every time.... But still, what I get in return? Nothing... Just the feeling of emptiness in the core of my heart... It’s sad seeing someone else is living a carefree life that you wanted to live in... That’s what I want. I don’t wanna be a famous somebody... Neither a doctor, an engineer, an architect nor anything... I just wanna be happy in my life.... That's all...

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Sick of my hectic, stressful life right now. Just wanna kicking and screaming and beat up something. It's not easy for me to live like this. If i can, i wanna be nothing. So that i don't need to face all of life's difficulties. It's dragging me down. Drowning me. I'm breaking down. Tears falling down my cheek. I can't control them anymore. It hurts. You can't imagine how torn I am inside. No words can describe it.

Help me, Lord...
Give me strength and courage to go through all of these...

Lead me, Lord...
So that I won't go astray from the right path...
Tell me, Lord...
That You are always here watching and guiding me...

Help me to smile after every rain.
Help me to be a normal person.
Help me to be stronger.
Help me to be closer to You.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

God Bless U...

You say: "It's impossible" 
God says: All things are possible (Luke 18:27)

You say: "I'm too tired"
God says: I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28-30)

You say: "Nobody really loves me"
God says: I love you (John 3:16 & John 3:34)

You say: "I can't go on"
God says: My grace is sufficient (II Corinthians 12:9 & Psalm 91:15)

You say: "I can't figure things out"
God says: I will direct your steps (Proverbs 3:5-6)

You say: "I can't do it"
God says: You can do all things (Philippians 4:13)

You say: "I'm not able"
God says: I am able (II Corinthians 9:8)

You say: "It's not worth it"
God says: It will be worth it (Roman 8:28)

You say: "I can't forgive myself"
God says: I Forgive you (I John 1:9 & Romans 8:1)

You say: "I can't manage"
God says: I will supply all your needs (Philippians 4:19)

You say: "I'm afraid"
God says: I have not given you a spirit of fear (II Timothy 1:7)

You say: "I'm always worried and frustrated"
God says: Cast all your cares on ME (I Peter 5:7)

You say: "I don't have enough faith"
God says: I've given everyone a measure of faith (Romans 12:3)

You say: "I'm not smart enough"
God says: I give you wisdom (I Corinthians 1:30)

You say: "I feel all alone"
God says: I will never leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5)
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