Sunday, March 13, 2011

The I-Heart Revolution

Have you ever wonder,
How much time do we have left?
Is tomorrow going to come?
What if I can't live pass today?
What if I go to sleep tonight and don't wake up the next day?
Well, I do, sometimes.

How many tomorrow do I've got left?
Obviously, you and I certainly don't have an answer to that.
I'm not being emo or whatever but I'm worried.
I'm scared for this generation of ours.
Wars, disasters, hunger, sickness and inequality everywhere.
Somehow, we humans got blinded and lost.
When there's something bad happens, we always blame the world.
But we never blame ourselves.
It is us who caused them.
We are responsible for it.
So we need to make a change.
I need to start make a change.

1. It’s our responsibility as believers to represent a loving God who cares about the everyday lives of all people;
2. We have a God who has shown us HOW to help, and;
3. There ARE experts in all our communities with some answers.

Historically the Church has got it wrong in so many ways and owes quite a few apologies. But this generation – the people that are alive on our planet – YOU! – have the opportunity to get it right.

SO… HOW? – We have to look at how Jesus helped people.

Put simply, He served. He got down in the dirt. He got His hands dirty. He didn’t judge. He washed feet. He knelt. He asked the blind man, "what do you want?" – rather than telling him “you must want to be healed.”
Let us, as respresentatives of His Church today, imitate Christ in our service. Not to build numbers, not to build a reputation, not to gain power, but to love selflessly and sacrificially, the way that Christ loved and served people.

Let’s ask "HOW CAN I HELP?" to people locally, in the know. – Let’s even ask the people in need.

Let’s not be a Church that supplies soup to the well fed, yet still desperately lonely people. Let’s not provide housing to those already with shelter, but desperately sick. Let’s be a Church that finds out what people’s needs are – that takes the time to ask “HOW CAN I HELP?”

So… We guess the answer to the question “HOW CAN I HELP?” is exactly that – ask – “HOW CAN I HELP?” and then serve like Jesus served, with no strings attached.

PS: I cried again today. :'(
Life is just so unpredictable.
Still, we've gotta have faith.
Sooner or later,
God's second coming will come.
It's just a matter of time.
We need to prepare ourselves for it now.
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