Friday, April 1, 2011

Spazing and rantings and happy april fools! :D

Dongwoonie's six pack! *spaz* xD

Yay! My music playlist thingy is back! I have no idea what happened to it last few weeks. Maybe the website broke down or something. -____o? Oh well, at least it's here now. :D Finally, we're have pjk class tomorrow. Sadly, i don't think the teacher would let us play badminton or basketball. :( I wanna play badminton and basketball la teacher! >___________< Life's not all about studying and no exercise! It's not healthy. And so am I cause I've not exercised for a hella long time! Even my basketball lose it's air and become half-deflated. :( Oh well.. Btw, for the first time today this year, my tears drop when I'm in school. Keep telling myself to smile even if things turns on you or don't go your way. :) Gotta practice more on that. xD Uhmm, well, now it's 12:12am on 1st of April, so, HAPPY APRIL FOOLS GUYS!

PS: Don't make a prank that's too over.
You'll hurt people's feelings.
Remember to say sorry if you did okay?
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